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Mountain Valleys RC&D/EnergyCap Receives New Grant From The Tobacco Trust Fund Commission
In October Mountain Valleys received a new grant to be used with the EnergyCap program. The grant will provide funding to WNC farmers...
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Summer kickoff: Cleaning the River at Forks of Ivy!
Glory Ridge Camp is located in Marshall, NC and hosts groups throughout the summer. We collaborated on a morning of fun and community...
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One Mile of Riparian Buffer Installed in this Shade your Stream Season!
The 2023/2024 Shade your Stream season is coming to a close and we are proud to announce we revegetated and stabilized over 5000 linear...
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Mountain Valleys brings Town of Marshall and volunteers together for 2024 Great Madison County Litter Sweep
On Saturday, April 13th 2024, Mountain Valleys RC&D, Ivy River Partners, and the Town of Marshall teamed up to participate in the 2024...
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Project Spotlight: Dirtcraft Organics
Dirtcraft Organics owners, Sarah Murphy and Adam Swartz, produce sustainably sourced, organic potting soils at their farm in rural...
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Madison County Community Embraces Firewise USA®
First responders from Walnut, Laurel, and Marshall Volunteer Fire Departments and the North Carolina Forest Service (FS) fighting the...
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Mountain Valleys & RiverLink Host Livestaking and Invasive Management Workshop
Mountain Valleys and RiverLink hosted participants at a work-and-learn event at Azalea Park in Asheville. Participants learned all about...
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New Funding for Sustainable Energy
Mountain Valleys RC&D has recently received a Rural Energy For America, Technical Assistance Grant (REAP TAG). This new grant allows WNC...
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Wildfire Preparedness in WNC
Wildfire season is here folks and we've already seen some concerning blazes in our area. The NC Forest Service has issued burn bans in...
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Deep Dive on the Ivy
The data is in for the Ivy Watershed's 2022 Water Quality Ratings! Keep reading for an update on the status of the watershed & a look...
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Cleaning-Up Trash in Our Streams and Rivers: Your Voice Matters!
Mountain Valleys RC&D is committed to the preservation of Madison County's beautiful streams and rivers. We are asking for your input to...
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Revitalizing Riparian Buffer Zones: Planting Warm Season Native Grasses
In this post, we will explore the process of planting native warm season native grasses when in the development of riparian buffers along...
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Madison High Students Help Plant Natives on Marshall Island
Madison High School students from Chad Ayers agricultural classes joined us to beautify the island in Marshall with native plants. Prior...
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Wildfire Resource: NCFS Fuels Removal Program
The NC Forest Service provides an annual roadside debris removal service. This is a FREE service but you must apply. Preference will be...
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Good Fire at Bailey Mtn Preserve
There's been a lot of talk about fire lately. That's because it's fire season. What does it have to do with water quality? Let us...
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From the toolbox: Wildland Fire Action Guide
Wildfire in eastern TN, 2022. One of the most important things you can do to reduce your wildfire risk is make a plan to be prepared for...
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Fire and Money for Wildlife, Water and more!
Interested in creating habitat on your land that supports bobwhite quail, monarchs, whippoorwill and other wildlife? We are in the...
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Using Fire as a Tool
A controlled burn for hazard fuel reduction at Lake James State Park. Fire is a natural part of the environment and frequently occurs...
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Staying Safe While Burning Yard Debris
In North Carolina, the fall wildfire season typically lasts from mid-October until mid-December, the time of year when people do yard...
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Community Wildfire Defense Grant
On July 26, 2022, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack formally announced the new $1 billion Community Wildfire Defense Grant (CWDG)...
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