Community Wildfire Preparedness
Houses and other developments near forests or other undeveloped areas, known as the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI), are vulnerable to wildfires because they're essentially surrounded by fuel.
Anything that can burn is fuel for a fire. In the right conditions, excess fuel such as shrubs, dead leaves, and fallen pine needles allow fires to burn hotter, larger, longer, and faster making them more difficult and dangerous to manage. The extent and density of vegetation around a structure influence the ability of firefighters to prevent it from burning in a wildfire.
Fuel treatments and other wildfire mitigation tasks make unwanted wildfires less likely and easier to manage. By learning to live with fire, we improve public and firefighters safety and reduce impacts of fire when it occurs.
Before Fuel Treatment

After Fuel Treatment

There are many ways homeowners can reduce their wildfire risk!
You can take action to reduce your risk and become fire"wise", greatly increasing the chance that your home and community will withstand a wildfire.
Firewise USA Program
The Firewise USA Recognition Program is a process that empowers neighbors to work together in reducing their wildfire risk. Brush, grass and forest fires don’t have to be disasters.
Invasive Species
Mountain Valleys works to conserve WNC's precious natural resources. As invasive plant and insect species continue to damage forests and pasture land, we encourage landowners to learn how to identify and manage these destructive pests.
Invasive Plants found in NC's Mountain Region
USDA's NC Invasive Species Info Center
Invasive Plants and Your Forest (NC State Extension)
Click a picture in the gallery for name and link to more information.