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Cleaning-Up Trash in Our Streams and Rivers: Your Voice Matters!

Mountain Valleys RC&D is committed to the preservation of Madison County's beautiful streams and rivers. We are asking for your input to help us make an even greater impact in our region!

Keep America Beautiful estimates that each year the US spends over 11 billion dollars cleaning up litter, but how can we help? Volunteer cleanups can have a huge impact on local conservation efforts and litter remediation. In partnership with our amazing volunteers, Mountain Valleys has collected almost 40,000 pounds of trash from Madison county streams in the past five years.

Mountain Valleys is proud to be the only local organization to focus specifically on aquatic and riparian cleanups. We need your help in finding local waterways that would benefit from our work. Our cleanup program covers all of Madison county as well as the Ivy River Watershed in Barnardsville. We are specifically on the hunt for locations suffering from pollution, erosion, and debris accumulation. By focusing our efforts on community identified target areas, we can channel our resources to make our streams a wonderful place to be.

Ready to get involved? Contact staff about our upcoming cleanups or equipment rental program! We can provide all the supplies you’ll need to host your own cleanup, including waders, trash grabbers, gloves, and wagons. All you have to do is pick up and drop off your supplies! For larger groups, we are happy to assist in facilitating your cleanup.

We invite you to help us discover specific targeted areas in Madison County where we can create a lasting difference in the survey below.

Thank you! Mountain Valleys Staff

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