Conserve. Connect. Collaborate.
Conserving Land and Water Resources Through a
Non-Regulatory Approach in the
Ivy River Watershed.
What We Do
Contact us for technical assistance and to help secure funding for projects on your land that will reduce your impact on the waterways. Phone: 828-206-6159 Email: info@ivyriverpartners.org
Septic System Repairs We may be able to cover 75-100 % of septic system repairs/installations or alternative systems to prevent leakages into the waterways.
Livestock Wells and Fencing We can help fund expenses to exclude cattle from your creek if you don't qualify for other cost share programs. No farm number needed and no minimum buffer required after top of bank.
Streambank Buffer Improvements See our Shade Your Stream program.
Flood Resilience Possible projects include removing old structures from floodways, resizing culverts, stream restoration, and stormwater runoff BMPs
River Clean-Ups We can organize volunteers to help clean a section of the river or stream that runs through your property.
Education We work with teachers in Madison County to provide learning experiences on a variety of water quality topics. We can provide hands on education in our local waterways.
We are always looking for more volunteers to help us with our goals. If you have certain expertise and would be interested in
volunteering on other projects, please let us know.
Equipment Rental
Ivy River Partners provides litter clean-up equipment rentals! We can provide trash grabbers, gloves, trash bags, waders, a sharps container, and a trash wagon.
Simply request a rental, obtain equipment (either by pick up or meet up), collect litter along your local waterway, and then return the equipment. Easy-peasy!
Call or email: 828-206-6159 or info@ivyriverpartners.org
Free TV Recycling
Where Madison County Landfill
(271 Rudisill Rd, Marshall)
What televisions and computer monitors
When anytime during regular hours*
Details Must have landfill card!
Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Saturdays: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
*Recycling monitors at no charge will continue while funds last. Please call the landfill at 828-649-2311 to confirm.
About IRP
The Ivy River Partners is a program of Mountain Valleys RC&D to help connect volunteers and landowners with natural resource management in the Ivy River Watershed and Madison County.
The Ivy River is one of the largest tributaries of the French Broad in Madison County and it is used for fishing, swimming, agriculture, and drinking. In the late 1990s, the watershed became a water supply source for the Town of Weaverville, NC, and more recently a backup water source for the Town of Mars Hill. Since that time, continued progress has been made toward maintaining and improving water quality in the watershed. Landowners have worked with local agencies and groups to eliminate many sources of pollution in the watershed. However, water quality monitoring results show that continued efforts are needed and the demand is there.
In 2013 Mountain Valleys completed a Source Water Protection Plan for the Ivy River Watershed . This plan identifies potential sources of contaminants and lays out a series of strategies for improving water quality. Using this as a guiding document, the IRP engages land owners, students, community members, and local governments on a voluntary basis to monitor water quality and to encourage the implementation of “best practices” to restore and maintain river health.
Past Project
Past Project
Past Project
For Ivy River Partners, clean water is the goal and cooperation is the strategy. Our partnerships between federal, state, and local agencies as well as private and non-profit entities, serve to strengthen our impact.
We have a Cooperative Agreement and a Memorandum of Understanding between:
The Town of Weaverville
The Town of Mars Hill
Madison County Soil & Water Conservation District
Buncombe County Soil & Water Conservation District
U.S. Forest Service
Mountain Valleys RC&D facilitates this partnership and procures grant funding and donations to put projects on the ground to improve water quality.
Other partners past and present include the Environmental Quality Institute, Mars Hill University, Madison County Landfill, Madison County Schools, Madison County Cooperative Extension, NC State Extension, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Asheville Greenworks, RiverLink, Community Housing Coalition, and more.